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Продаю 1 комнатную квартиру в ЖК ЯскравыйПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
80000 $ |
Прежде чем звонить - прочтите!
Один ХОЗЯИН! Предложение актуально.
В собственности больше 3 лет - один хозяин, договор купли-продажи.
Просмотры в любое время, по предварительной договоренности, так как проживаем рядом.
Эксклюзив! Такой квартиры не найти в продаже в этом доме. Новый ЖК "Яскравый" ул.Семьи Кульженков, 31 б. Этаж 24 из 25. Общая площадь 43 кв.м., однокомнатная с ремонтом и полностью меблированная со свободной продуманной планировкой. Квартира готова для проживания
Панорамные окна с красивым видом на Оболонь и центр КИЕВА (в отличии от других вариантов где вид в окна соседям дома напротив), выполнен качественный ремонт: обои, ламинат!
В коридоре на этаже установлены индивидуальные счетчики на тепло, воду и электроэнергию благодаря чему можно хорошо экономить!
Дом теплый с комфортными парадными и лифтами, благоустроенный двор с лавочками и фонтаном.
В доме консьерж, видеонаблюдение и подземный паркинг. На первых этажах коммерческие помещения, в которых есть всё - от минимаркета до аптеки.
Рядом есть несколько озер, среди которых — одно из самых чистых в Киеве — Министерское. Здесь купаются и рыбачат не только местные, но и жители соседних районов
Несмотря на отсутствие метро, в районе хорошо развита транспортная сеть. Площадь Шевченко — конечная многих маршрутов. Отсюда можно без пересадок доехать на Майдан Независимости и на Контрактовую площадь, ЖД Вокзал. В сторону метро «Минская» и «Оболонь» ходит сразу несколько маршрутов, сама поездка занимает не больше 10 минут. Удобно добираться и за город: по границе района проходит Большая кольцевая дорога, а на трамвае №12 можно уехать в Пущу-Водицу.
В районе есть 3 школы, 6 государственных детских садика, поликлиника, большой спортзал «Спорт Лэнд». Рядом находится городской роддом №2.
На Минском Массиве много торговых точек, поэтому с покупками проблем нет. На Полярной есть несколько крупных супермаркетов Сильпо и АТБ, ТЦ «П
Украина, Киевская обл., Киев
29 Авг 2023
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Продаю 1кімн ЖК ЯскравыйПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
80000 $ |
Продаю 1кімн ЖК Яскравый
Прежде чем звонить - прочтите!
Один ХОЗЯИН! Предложение актуально.
В собственности больше 3 лет - один хозяин, договор купли-продажи.
Просмотры в любое время, по предварительной договоренности, так как проживаем рядом.
Эксклюзив! Такой квартиры не найти в продаже в этом доме. Новый ЖК "Яскравый" ул.Семьи Кульженко 31 б. Этаж 24 из 25. Общая площадь 43 кв.м., однокомнатная с ремонтом и полностью меблированная со свободной продуманной планировкой. Квартира готова для проживания
Панорамные окна с красивым видом на Оболонь и центр КИЕВА (в отличии от других вариантов где вид в окна соседям дома напротив), выполнен качественный ремонт: обои, ламинат!
В коридоре на этаже установлены индивидуальные счетчики на тепло, воду и электроэнергию благодаря чему можно хорошо экономить!
Дом теплый с комфортными парадными и лифтами, благоустроенный двор с лавочками и фонтаном.
В доме консьерж, видеонаблюдение и подземный паркинг. На первых этажах коммерческие помещения, в которых есть всё - от минимаркета до аптеки.
Рядом есть несколько озер, среди которых — одно из самых чистых в Киеве — Министерское. Здесь купаются и рыбачат не только местные, но и жители соседних районов
Несмотря на отсутствие метро, в районе хорошо развита транспортная сеть. Площадь Шевченко — конечная многих маршрутов. Отсюда можно без пересадок доехать на Майдан Независимости и на Контрактовую площадь, ЖД Вокзал. В сторону метро «Минская» и «Оболонь» ходит сразу несколько маршрутов, сама поездка занимает не больше 10 минут. Удобно добираться и за город: по границе района проходит Большая кольцевая дорога, а на трамвае №12 можно уехать в Пущу-Водицу.
В районе есть 3 школы, 6 государственных детских садика, поликлиника, большой спортзал «Спорт Лэнд». Рядом находится городской роддом №2.
На Минском Массиве много торговых точек, поэтому с покупками проблем нет. На Полярной есть несколько крупных суперма
Украина, Киевская обл., Киев
15 Авг 2023
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Продам 3к квартиру з терасоюПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
178000 $ |
Продам 3к квартиру з терасою
Ексклюзив! 3к квартира з великою терасою
У власності більше 3 років – один господар, договір купівлі-продажу.
Перегляди у будь-який час, за попередньою домовленістю, оскільки проживаємо поряд.
Ексклюзив! Такої квартири не знайти у продажу у цьому будинку. Новий ЖК, вул. П. Калнишевського 7, поверх 25 з 25. Загальна площа 90 кв.м., трьохкімнатна з ремонтом та повністю мебльована з вільним продуманим плануванням. Квартира вам замінить заміський будинок, так як має велику терассу. На терассі можна розміститись великою компанією, електромангал, гойдалка, міні спорт майданчик, можна встановлювати гамак підвісний, набирати в надувний басейн воду. Квартира готова до проживання.
Вікна з гарним видом на Оболонь, ліс та центр КИЄВА, виконаний якісний ремонт.
У коридорі на поверсі встановлені індивідуальні лічильники на тепло, воду та електроенергію, завдяки чому можна добре економити!
Будинок теплий з комфортними парадними та ліфтами, впорядкований двір з лавочками та дитячим майданчиком.
У будинку консьєрж, відеоспостереження та підземний паркінг. На перших поверхах комерційні приміщення, де є все - від мінімаркету до аптеки.
Поруч є кілька озер, серед яких одне з найчистіших у Києві — Міністерське. Тут купаються та рибалять не лише місцеві, а й мешканці сусідніх районів
У районі добре розвинена транспортна мережа. Площа Шевченка – кінцева багатьох маршрутів. Зручно добиратися і за місто: за межами району проходить Велика кільцева дорога, а трамваєм №12 можна виїхати в Пущу-Водицю.
У районі є 3 школи, 6 державних дитячих садків, поліклініка, велика спортзала «Спорт Ленд». Поруч знаходиться міський пологовий будинок №2.
Ціна: 178000$. БЕЗ КОМІСІЇ.
Украина, Киевская обл., Киев
10 Авг 2023
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Продам 1к ЖК ЯскравыйПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
80000 $ |
Украина, Киевская обл., Киев
1 Авг 2023
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Продам СВОЮ Двухкомнатную квартируПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
91000 $ |
Продам СВОЮ Двухкомнатную квартиру
в Новострое, с евроремонтом и бытовой техникой в Центре (ул. Вернадского, д. 1, 2 минуты до метро Пр-т Гагарина ), площадь - 86 м2 , высота потолков - 3,10 м., кухня-студия + жилая комната, совмещённый сан. узел, гардеробная + 2 встроеных шкафа-купе, встроенная кухня, обратная система осмоса, встроенная витяжка, медные сантехнические трубы, система охраны, камеры видеонаблюдения в парадном входе с выходом на квартиры.
Бытовая техника: варочная панель, духовой шкаф, 2 кондиционера, встроенные стиральная и посудомоечная машины, боллер.
Уютный двор, Паркинг, рынок, остановка транспорта, магазин, киоск, детская площадка, больница, поликлиника, супермаркет, ТРЦ, школа, парк, зелёная зона, аптека, Центр города, ЖД станция, Метро, Автовокзал.
Украина, Харьковская обл., Харьков
1 Авг 2023
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Без відсотків. Продається 2 кімнатна квартираПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
53000 $ |
Без відсотків. Продається 2 кімнатна квартира
Продається 2 кімнатна квартира в Софіївській Борщагівці, пров. Шкільний 6. Будинок утеплений, квартира тепла, затишна. В будинку є лічильник на опалення. Двір великий, затишний. Безкоштовна автостоянка. Поряд сільська Рада, школа, пошта, церква, аптека, ветеринарна клініка. 5 хвилин пішки - дитячий садочок, поліклініка, Нова пошта. 5 хвилин машиною до Києва. Біля будинку магазини.
тел. 0980912186
Украина, Киевская обл., Киев
4 Июл 2023
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52190-28-0 PMKПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
100 ₴ |
Our company is specialized in selling chemical raw materials.If you have any purchase needs, please contact me on WhatsApp/telegram/Skype:+86 18232025425. We can provide you with high-quality products.
Hot-sale products:
95958-84-2 Protonitazene
119276-01-6 Protonitazene (hydrochloride)
14680-51-4 Metonitazene
14188-81-9 Isotonitazene
71368-80-4 Bromazolam
2647-50-9 Flubromazepam
2894-68-0 Diclazepam 2-chlorodiazepam
40054-69-1 Etizolam
17764-18-0 Eutylone EU
802855-66-9 Eutylone EU
14530-33-7 A-PVP , APVP , apvp, a-pvp
1354631-33-6 4F-MPH ,4f-mph
1246816-62-5 3MMC,3-Methylmethcathinone (hydrochloride)
1189805-46-6 4MMC , 4-Methylmethcathinone Mephedrone, 1-(4-Methylphenyl)-2-methylaminopropan-1-one
14461-91-7 Cyclazodone
1451-82-7 2-Bromo-4'-Methylpropiophenone
109555-87-5 1'-Naphthoyl Indole
208987-48-8 JWH 073 ,(1-butyl-1H-indol-3-yl)-1-naphthalenyl-methanone
209414-073 JWH 018 ,1-naphthalenyl(1-pentyl-1H-indol-3-yl)-methanone
137350-66-4 5CLADB , ADBB, 5cladbb
1715016-75-3 5F-ADB 5F-MDMB-PINACA
28578-16-7 PMK , ethyl glycidate
5449-12-7 BMK
20320-59-6 BMK , Diethyl(phenylacetyl)malonate
52190-28-0 PMK
13605-48-6 PMK methyl glycidate
1314093-06-5 pmk L-Lysine, L-prolyl-L-methionyl-
79099-07-3 N-(tert-Butoxycarbonyl)-4-piperidone
125541-22-2 1-Boc-4-(Phenylamino)piperidine
288573-56-8 - 1-Piperidinecarboxylicacid, 4-[(4-fluorophenyl)amino]-, 1,1-dimethylethyl ester
49851-31-2 2-BROMO-1-PHENYL-PENTAN-1-ONE
148553-50-8 pregabalin
1191237-69-0 GS-441524
62-44-2 Phenacetin
2732926-24-6 N-desethyl Etonitazene
23076-35-9 Xylazine Hydrochloride
7361-61-2 Xylazine
102-97-6 N-Isopropylbenzylamine
171596-29-5 Tadalafil/Cialis
139755-83-2 /Sildenafil
40054-73-7 Deschloroetizolam
6740-86-9 (1-Bromocyclopentyl)(2-chlorophenyl)methanone
28910-91-0 Flualprazolam
16648-44-5 BMK ,Methyl 2-phenylacetoacetate
Великобритания, Киевская обл., Брайтон
4 Июл 2023
![]() |
28578-16-7 PMK , ethyl glycidateПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
100 ₴ |
Our company is specialized in selling chemical raw materials.If you have any purchase needs, please contact me on WhatsApp/telegram/Skype:+86 18232025425. We can provide you with high-quality products.
Hot-sale products:
95958-84-2 Protonitazene
119276-01-6 Protonitazene (hydrochloride)
14680-51-4 Metonitazene
14188-81-9 Isotonitazene
71368-80-4 Bromazolam
2647-50-9 Flubromazepam
2894-68-0 Diclazepam 2-chlorodiazepam
40054-69-1 Etizolam
17764-18-0 Eutylone EU
802855-66-9 Eutylone EU
14530-33-7 A-PVP , APVP , apvp, a-pvp
1354631-33-6 4F-MPH ,4f-mph
1246816-62-5 3MMC,3-Methylmethcathinone (hydrochloride)
1189805-46-6 4MMC , 4-Methylmethcathinone Mephedrone, 1-(4-Methylphenyl)-2-methylaminopropan-1-one
14461-91-7 Cyclazodone
1451-82-7 2-Bromo-4'-Methylpropiophenone
109555-87-5 1'-Naphthoyl Indole
208987-48-8 JWH 073 ,(1-butyl-1H-indol-3-yl)-1-naphthalenyl-methanone
209414-073 JWH 018 ,1-naphthalenyl(1-pentyl-1H-indol-3-yl)-methanone
137350-66-4 5CLADB , ADBB, 5cladbb
1715016-75-3 5F-ADB 5F-MDMB-PINACA
28578-16-7 PMK , ethyl glycidate
5449-12-7 BMK
20320-59-6 BMK , Diethyl(phenylacetyl)malonate
52190-28-0 PMK
13605-48-6 PMK methyl glycidate
1314093-06-5 pmk L-Lysine, L-prolyl-L-methionyl-
79099-07-3 N-(tert-Butoxycarbonyl)-4-piperidone
125541-22-2 1-Boc-4-(Phenylamino)piperidine
288573-56-8 - 1-Piperidinecarboxylicacid, 4-[(4-fluorophenyl)amino]-, 1,1-dimethylethyl ester
49851-31-2 2-BROMO-1-PHENYL-PENTAN-1-ONE
148553-50-8 pregabalin
1191237-69-0 GS-441524
62-44-2 Phenacetin
2732926-24-6 N-desethyl Etonitazene
23076-35-9 Xylazine Hydrochloride
7361-61-2 Xylazine
102-97-6 N-Isopropylbenzylamine
171596-29-5 Tadalafil/Cialis
139755-83-2 /Sildenafil
40054-73-7 Deschloroetizolam
6740-86-9 (1-Bromocyclopentyl)(2-chlorophenyl)methanone
28910-91-0 Flualprazolam
16648-44-5 BMK ,Methyl 2-phenylacetoacetate
Венгрия, Киевская обл., Аданд
4 Июл 2023
![]() |
LY-2183240 cas: 874902-19-9 significant effectsПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл., Львовская обл.
15 Мая 2023
![]() |
JTE 7-31 cas:194358-72-0 large discountsПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл., Львовская обл.
15 Мая 2023
![]() |
JTE-907 cas:282089-49-0 price concessionsПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл.,
15 Мая 2023
![]() |
FUBIMINA, BIM-2201, BZ-2201, FTHJ cas: 1984789-90-3 after-sales supportПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл., Николаевская обл.
15 Мая 2023
![]() |
EG-2201 diverse transportation channelsПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл., Николаевская обл.
15 Мая 2023
![]() |
EG-018 cas:2219320-91-7 fast logisticsПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл., Львовская обл.
15 Мая 2023
![]() |
CB-13 cas:432047-72-8 high repurchase rateПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл., Львовская обл.
15 Мая 2023
![]() |
BIM-018 cas:2316839-70-8 rich varietyПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл., Николаевская обл.
15 Мая 2023
![]() |
BAY 38-7271 cas: 212188-60-8 superior qualityПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл., Одесская обл.
15 Мая 2023
![]() |
AB-CHFUPYCA cas:1870799-79-3 customer satisfactionПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл., Львовская обл.
15 Мая 2023
![]() |
A-836,339 cas:959746-77-1 High quality productsПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл., Николаевская обл.
15 Мая 2023
![]() |
5F-PCN , 5F-MN-21 strict requirementsПродам | Недвижимость / Квартиры |
1 $ |
Our hot sale:JWH 5CLADB ADBB SGT fentany and so on
Please contact me:
Wickr :rachel152
Whatsapp :+86 18668960563
Telegram :+86 18668960563
Our advantages
1.Place of Origin China with Super quality by reasonable price.
2.Fast delivery by safe express way to all the country.
3.Has a number of highly qualified engineers and experts to provide guidance for reagents.
4.When you meet problems in mineral processing, we can provide technical guidance.
5.Sample order are welcome.
6.NMR,HPLC and COA can be supplied
7.We can supply sample for testing.
8.We promise 100% deliveried,and 100% resend or refunds if parcel is not deliveried!
9.Payment method western union,T/T,Moneygram and Bitcoin
10. Gold members with high credit guarantee.
Welcome to send inquiry to us. Moderate price will be offered to you.
1. What's your payment terms?
T/T or L/C, D/P,D/A,WU,MG.
2. What's your delivery time?
Usually we will arrange the shipment in 7 -15 days.
3. How about the packing?
Usually we provide the packing as 25 kg / bag or carton. Of course, if you have special requirements on them, we will according to you.
4. When can I Get Reply?
Our Area sales manager will contact you as soon as possible in 24 hours one working day!
5. How about the validity of the products?
According to the products you ordered.
6. What documents you provide?
Usually, we provide Commerical Invoice, Packing List, Bill of loading, COA , Health certificate and Origin certificate. If your markets have any special requirements, let us know.
Украина, Киевская обл., Одесская обл.
15 Мая 2023