Крем Вертебронол, на прополисе

Україна, Київська обл., Київ
28 Декабря 2014
Продам Цена: 90,00 грн

Крем «Вертебронол» относится к средствам лечения нетрадиционной медицины. В его состав входят более 300 биологически активных веществ.

Состав средства:
-Прополис пчелиный,
-Вытяжка из подмора пчел,
-Воск пчелиный,
-Живица сосновая,
-Масло касторовое,
-Масло камфорное,
-Сок хрена и чеснока.

Вспомогательные вещества:
-Вода дистилированная,
-Жир животный,
-Масло растительное.

Масса: 50 г.

Показания к применению при:
-Заболеваниях сердечно-сосудистой системы: ишемическая болезнь І-ІІ стадий, гипотония, заболеваниях артерий и вен, гипертония І-ІІ степени.
-Заболеваниях органов дыхания: пневмония, бронхиальная астма, эмфизема легких, неврит, бронхит.
-Травмах, заболеваниях опорно-двигательного аппарата: ушибах, растяжениях связок, суставов, остеохондрозе, ревматоидном артрите, артрозе, подагре.
-Заболеваниях нервной системы: травмах нервной системы, последствиях нарушения мозгового кровообращения, детском церебральном параличе, невралгии. -Заболеваниях пищеварительных органов: язвенной болезни желудка и двенадцатиперстной кишки, печени и желчного пузыря, гастритах.
-Воспалении моче-половой системы: хроническом уретрите, простатите, боли в области крестца, копчика, в области матки и яичников в период месячных.
-Болезни уха, горла, носа: ангина, фарингит, ларингит, ринит, носовое кровотечение. -Заболевании глаз: глаукома, катаракта, конъюнктивит, неврит, неврит зрительного нерва.
Нарушении обмена веществ: излишняя полнота (ожирение), диабет сахарный.

-Острые лихорадочные состояния
-Непереносимость продуктов пчеловодства
-Гипертония III-IV степени
-Прогрессирующая форма туберкулеза
-Психические заболевания
-Развитие злокачественных опухолей
-ЗОБ щитовидной железы, аденоме пред- стательной железы, мастопатии, миоме матки и т. д.) крем на данные участки не наносится, но может использоваться для лечения других хронических заболеваний.

Не рекомендуется применение крема детям до 3 лет без острой необходимости.
Производитель ООО Сакс
Страна производства Украина
Автор оголошення, контакти
Оголошення більше не актуальне

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20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
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What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
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Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

1246816-62-5 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

1189805-46-6 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

1185282-27-2 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
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Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

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Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

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Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

111982-50-4 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

109555-87-5 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

71368-80-4 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

40054-69-1 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

28981-97-7 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

14680-51-4 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

14530-33-7 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

14461-91-7 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

14188-81-9 good price in stock for sale u3

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 17041419362 Telegram:+86 17041419362 Please add me if you need Now the main business We are southeast Asia’s chemical raw material suppliers, we have hundreds of chemical products. Every one of our account is safe, you don’t have to worry about any security issues We provide chemicals to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any chemical raw materials or want to know any chemical raw materials ,pls send email to us. Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation.
Мексика, Авила-Сателит
6 Ноя 2023

Etonitazene 2785346-75-8 hot sale y4

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 15226916546 Telegram:+86 15226916546 Hot Products Recommended. Please add me if you need me 14188-81-9 Isotonitazene 14461-91-7 Cyclazodone 14530-33-7 A-PVP apvp 14680-51-4 Metonitazene 28981-97-7 Alprazolam 40054-69-1 Etizolam 71368-80-4 Bromazolam 109555-87-5 3-(1-Naphthoyl)indole 111982-50-4 2-FDCK 2fdck 119276-01-6 Protonitazene 137350-66-4 5cl adba 6CL 802855-66-9 Eutylone 1185282-27-2 adbb ADB-BINACA 1189805-46-6 4-MMC 4mmc 1246816-62-5 3mmc 3cmc 2181620-71-1 α-PiHP apih 2732926-26-8 N-desethyl Etonitazene 2785346-75-8 Etonitazene Every one of our account is safe, you don't have to worry about any security issues We provide drugs to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any medication or want to know any medication, please send us a message Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation!!!!
Мексика, Агуаскальентес
24 Окт 2023

N-desethyl Etonitazene 2732926-26-8 hot sale y4

Продам | Услуги / Услуги красоты, парикмахера, косметолога

20 ₴
What Sapp: +86 15226916546 Telegram:+86 15226916546 Hot Products Recommended. Please add me if you need me 14188-81-9 Isotonitazene 14461-91-7 Cyclazodone 14530-33-7 A-PVP apvp 14680-51-4 Metonitazene 28981-97-7 Alprazolam 40054-69-1 Etizolam 71368-80-4 Bromazolam 109555-87-5 3-(1-Naphthoyl)indole 111982-50-4 2-FDCK 2fdck 119276-01-6 Protonitazene 137350-66-4 5cl adba 6CL 802855-66-9 Eutylone 1185282-27-2 adbb ADB-BINACA 1189805-46-6 4-MMC 4mmc 1246816-62-5 3mmc 3cmc 2181620-71-1 α-PiHP apih 2732926-26-8 N-desethyl Etonitazene 2785346-75-8 Etonitazene Every one of our account is safe, you don't have to worry about any security issues We provide drugs to around the world;100% Safe shipping and packing. We have a professional transport team to ensure the goods safety and on time arrived your hand. Our products can be easily through the any customs If you need any medication or want to know any medication, please send us a message Look forward to working with your long-term cooperation!!!!
Мексика, Агуаскальентес
24 Окт 2023